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Thank Duty

Thank Duty:
Equality between the sexes is not yet within sight. As long as females make up the core of any pride, pack or other grouping males will
always draw the short straw on any major decisions. This is accepted practise while a group is in survival made. However once survival
isn’t so much of an issue anymore the grumbling begins. Especially among Lions the roles are divided for efficiency reasons. A male can
hunt but females are just more effective at it. Females can defend territory but males just have more muscle, stamina and are trained for
it once they’re weaned. This has lead to females taking males and their duties for granted. Many males would swallow their pride in
favour of having the privilege to mate at some point but some would not let it slide. This eventually led to a minor uprising among the
‘European’ expanse colonies. The females, at the time believing this to be mere nuisance, arranged a summit of the biggest pride families.
At this summit (to which no males were permitted to come) a token of goodwill was decided upon. The Thank duty. This placated the
majority of rebellious males and has since been widely adopted.
The ‘African’ homeland however has not adopted this believing that the separation of the sexes among the principal things keeping their
species among the top of food chain.

*The reason for putting the words European and African in between apostrophes is because every species has a different name for both landmasses but no common word for either.

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